Casual Matlab Line Of Best Fit Scatter Plot

Description of Scatter Plots in MATLAB.
Matlab line of best fit scatter plot. Adding a third variable. Lsline ignores data points that are connected with solid dashed or dash-dot lines - -- or - because it does not consider them to be scatter plots. Scattera b This function will help us.
FittedX linspace min x max x 100. So I have an assignment where we need to plot data points as a scatterplot and then plot the line of best fit on top of the figure. Lsline superimposes a least-squares line on each scatter plot in the current axes.
How can I change it to make polyfit work. The closer the points are to the line of best fit the stronger the correlation is. FittedZ polyval fit fittedX.
Here is the description of scatter plots in MATLAB mention below. The third categorical variable can be encoded in the graph by using color. To produce scatter plots use the MATLAB scatter and plot functions.
But through using the hold on command my graph wont plot them both it only comes up with the scatter. T212 210 203 198 194 178 168. What I am going to do now is take the array I have in EES and compress it to a matrix in Matlab.
This tutorial takes you through the steps of creating a scatter plot drawing a line-of-fit and determining the correlation if any. However the graph turns blank when I integrate polyfit in my code. But through using the hold on command my graph wont plot them both it only comes up with the scatter.