Unbelievable Stata Smooth Line Graph

Sysuse sp500 clear.
Stata smooth line graph. Specifically the y-axis is the weighted average of a minimum amount for each date on x-axis for each CAT_1 for each CAT_2. First we read in the data file. This isuseful when smoothing binary 01 data.
Both Stata command xtline and Stata user-written command profileplot. Statalisthsphsun2harvardedu The reference is presumably to some feature in MS Excel. For these examples we will use the sp500 data file that comes with Stata and we can use it via the sysuse command.
G-2 graph twoway line. Actually I used two goniometric functions to generate the data. Graph twoway lowess Local linear smooth plots logittransforms the smoothedyvarinto logits.
Zamira ----- Subject. Many on this list dont have access to other programs which list. That will be more productive than me commenting on every individual line.
We could use the graph twoway. Cline optionsspecify how the lowess line is rendered and its appearance. This data file contains data for all of the trading days in 2001.
Graph twoway lfit write read scatter write read And we can even show the fitted value with a confidence interval for the mean as shown below. Immediate scatterplot graph twoway scatteri 9658. Stata has excellent graphic facilities accessible through the graph command see help graph for an overview.