Outrageous The Maximum Number Of Data Series Per Chart Is 255

What have you changed in your code it looks like from what youve posted that youre now trying to set the chart data before youve created the chart.
The maximum number of data series per chart is 255. This worked in Excel 2003. JustTryingToHelp Oct 11 15 at 856. The Maximum number of data series per chart is 255 Additionally the reports for the other counters that are selected are not generated.
Being that the dates are on the x axis it cuts off after the 255 series cutoff but does not complete. I am running Excel 2010. Im trying to display a forecast with various of different filter possibilities using Slicers.
Maximum number of data series is 255 per chartamp Perhaps i didnt make my self clearI dont want to exceed columns or rows because i can place all the data i wantThe problem is that i cannot exceed 255 data series per chartThe problem is not in the worksheetThe problem appears while trying to add new source data data that is already in the worksheet on the chartSo. So the chart is incomplete. The Switch RowColumns has the affect of move the variable in the row field to.
Excel doesnt allow to create a chart from a data region with 256 or more columns it prints The Maximum number of data series per chart is 255 when a user attempt to select such region. Start date Aug 12 2015. I have a raw data set consisting of about 31000 rows and 10 columns.
I get the message as stated in the title The maximum number of data series per chart is 255 obviously because I got more than 255 data series in my chart. This error occurs at the line Set mychart ActiveworkbookChartsAdd This is interesting because I do not have any charts with more than 3 data series. Although you may never come up against this particular problem with your data the ability to see how to think creatively about working around constraints can serve you well elsewhere in Excel.
If an Cognos report contains a chart that uses custom colors Microsoft Excel may not be able to add the custom color to the Excel color palette. Aug 11 2015 1 Hi Excel Experts. Excel doesnt recognize charts if they have more than 255 data series.