Perfect Arrange X Axis Ggplot

To set and hide the axis labels.
Arrange x axis ggplot. Sp. How can i arrange the x-axis in order of rising month starting with January February March. How can i also arrange the x-axis to show the plots either in ascending or descending order to the y-axis value.
And we specify element_textangle 90 to rotate the x-axis text by an angle 90 degree. But most of the times it would make more sense to arrange it based on the y-axis it represents rather than alphabetically. This can be achieved in this way.
This is due to the fact that ggplot2 takes into account the order of the factor levels not the order you observe in your data frame. Librarylattice xyplotvaluetimesvariabledatammtypel scaleslistylistrelationfree layoutc12 3 ggplot2 package libraryggplot2 ggplotmm aesx times y value geom_lineaescolor variable facet_gridvariable scales free_y themelegendposition none 4 two different plots. Library ggplot2 p.
Ggplottips2 aesx day y perc geom_barstat identity Sorting bars by some numeric variable Often we do not want just some ordering we want to order by frequency the most frequent bar coming first. Pl mapply FUN function df ymax ggplot df aes carat price colorclarity geom_point facet_wrap cut ncol2 scale_x_continuous limits c 04 breaks04 scale_y_continuous limits c 0 ymax labelsdollar_format labs xexpression yexpression dfsplit dat datcut ymaxc 1e45e31e33e3 SIMPLIFYFALSE. For example for a vertical x axis text label you can specify the argument angle as.
To rotate x-axis text labels we use axistextx as argument to theme function. It could be your month-wise time series or high-medium-low bars - these are some examples where an alphabetically-sorted bar chart wouldnt make sense in fact would hinder the process of data communication. If axis alignment is required you can switch to the cowplot package which include the function plot_grid with the argument align.
Change the font style size color and face of the axis tick mark labels. To make the x-axis text label easy to read let us rotate the labels by 90 degrees. To plot two series vertically aligned with only one labelled x-axis we can remove the axes from the top plot and then plot the two graphs together using either the egg package or the cowplot package library ggplot2 321.